The Five Star OR

Five Star OR article

With the integration of these five elements, the design and construction of the most complex perioperative projects will attain stellar results. What is it that qualifies as a "star" element in planning, designing and building an exemplary operating room? Let's consider the process for existing hospitals in planning renovation or expansion of a perioperative area. This includes pre-op, holding, surgery and post-operative areas. First and foremost, it is crucial to consider the safety of the surrounding patient-occupied space. Whenever there is construction in or near patient care areas, the utmost caution must be exercised. Click here for the Five Star OR full article written by Mary Anne Derr for the Indiana Society for Healthcare Engineering.

Unique Experience

Corporate Spotlight article

Mary Ann Derr incorporates her bedside nurse experience into her work building healthcare facilities. According to the American Hospital Association there are approximately 98,000 deaths per year in the US due to hospital errors, and roughly 5% (about 5,000) of those deaths are directly caused by construction errors. As Director of Healthcare Construction for Messer Construction she made certain healthcare builders did everyting in their power to ensure patient safety. Her sincere passion in this arena is genuine as her mother was one of those 98,000 victims. She sees this as an opportunity to use the adversities that she has been handed, as well as her experience, to make a difference. Click here to download the Corporate Spotlight article from Health Executive Magazine.